Write a review about Mature Caregivers - Waltham and Surrounding Areas for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card!
Mature Caregivers - Waltham and Surrounding Areas
Waltham, MassachusettsMature Caregivers - Waltham and Surrounding Areas
Waltham, Massachusetts- Personal care
- Alzheimer’s & Dementia care
- Hospice support
- Chronic illness care
- Home helper
- Transportation
- Companionship
reviews (2)
Thank you for sending over so many interesting folks to help me with [my husband] Dan. Each person is very nice and kind and helpful, and the companionship helps lift me up.
Why should you leave a review?
Sharing honest feedback about your experience will help other AgeFriendly.com users in their search for Age-Friendly care. Some questions to consider:
Did you feel that providers listened to what matters most to you or the people you help care for?
Did you have a chance to discuss medications and how to stay on top of what you’re taking?
Was the ability to stay active and mobile taken into consideration?
Did providers talk to you or your loved one about your mood and memory , which are important elements of health and wellbeing?
What is Age-Friendly care?
Age-Friendly care is health care that addresses your unique needs and wants. It can help you enjoy a better quality of life.
It is care that is safe and based on what research shows are the most important things to pay attention to as we get older — the 4Ms: what Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility.
Thanks again for the very professional and caring approach to supporting my father. I read everything you write on the private care blog, and appreciate all the detail. He must be in the best shape he's been in for years. Congratulations on keeping him focused on his health. I know it's frustrating for him not to be with family all the time, but it's clear he's in a very good place right now.