What is an Age-Friendly Community?
What is an Age-Friendly Community?
Age-friendly communities are places where people of all ages can live healthy and productive lives. In age-friendly cities and towns, older adults are included, respected and valued for their ongoing contributions. Is your community age-friendly?
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"The Five P's": Considerations When Relocating in Retirement
When relocating to an age-friendly community, it’s well worth weighing the “Five P's”
Age as a (Literal) Badge of Honor
In one Kenyan county, elders wear uniforms and badges so that they can be more easily identified...and deferred to.
Nomadland, a poignant portrait of aging, wins at Academy Awards
It’s rare to find a movie that stars a woman over 50, and even rarer for such a film to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
Looking to Stay Young at 80? Learn from Two Nude Models
Barry and Joanne have been married 57 years. They've spent the last 15 modeling.
The Golden Age of Aging
Believe it or not, we have entered the golden age of aging. What does that mean? It means that getting older is now the thing to do. It means that people don’t just age and retire anymore. Aging people now do just about everything under the sun, including continuing to work.