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Ascension Providence Hospital, Southfield And Novi

Southfield, Michigan

Ascension Providence Hospital, Southfield And Novi

Southfield, MI
5 reviews
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
Would you recommend Ascension Providence Hospital, Southfield And Novi to your older friends and family?

reviews (5)

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The staff is amazing, their billing is awful!!! They never answer the phone, leave a message and we will call you back. They do call back, a week latter at 8pm. Ugh

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The staff took excellent care of my husband. Everyone we had contact with was pleasant and very professional.

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I was at Ascension in Novi Mi. Had great care. Yes I would recommend it to everyone.

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I was admitted with covid on august 17th. On august 19th at 9:30 p.m. the night shift came in and told me I was discharged earlier in the afternoon. So I called my husband who also had covid and he came and picked me up at 10:15 p.m. There was very poor communication between staff and myself. I came home and took another test for covid and it was positive. My husband and I are in our 70's.

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Vanessa B.

They listen to you and they have a good nurse/patient ratio

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