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Downtown Zebulon by Indy beetle is licensed under CC0
Zebulon North Carolina
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3.87 out of 5 stars
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Zebulon is the easternmost town in Wake County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 4,433 at the 2010 census. Zebulon is part of the Research Triangle metropolitan region. Five County Stadium, home to the Carolina Mudcats minor league baseball team, is located in the town.

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reviews (7)

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The people here are friendly. They come together and help one another in a time of need . The town isnt to huge so everyone knows somebody . Stores ,businesses and churches are within walking distance. That makes it easy on seniors who have trouble with transportation. I like living in tht town of Zebulon.

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Yes I'm a age friendly person

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Families with children that play outside

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