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Weston Massachusetts
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4.82 out of 5 stars
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Making Weston Age Friendly: The Weston Council on Aging supports the welfare and interests of the town’s seniors and those who care for them. We offer comprehensive information, referral and social services; health and wellness programs; educational and social offerings; transportation, and other opportunities for people to stay connected to the community.

  • Weston is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, about 15 miles west of downtown Boston. The population of Weston, as of June 2017, was 11,389.

  • Weston has an excellent public school system, exhibited through students' SAT scores and college placement, as well as parent support.

  • In the town's 2014 Community Livability Survey, 97 percent of respondents rated Weston an excellent or good place to live. Among the survey's eight "facets of community livability, four of them education, natural environment, safety, and community engagement— were rated higher than national benchmarks.

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to your older friends and family?

reviews (6)

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Because it's a great place to live

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Love the town, great for everyone.

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The town really seems to care about its Seniors and vice versa.

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Safe place

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I like this place

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