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Westminster California
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Westminster is a city in northern Orange County, California. It is known for a large number of Vietnamese refugees who immigrated to the city during the 1980s, settling largely in the area now officially named Little Saigon, and the city is unofficially known as the "capital" of overseas Vietnamese with 36,058 Vietnamese Americans and at 40.2% (2010), the highest municipal prevalence of Vietnamese Americans.
Westminster is landlocked and bordered by Seal Beach on the west, by Garden Grove on the north and east, and by Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley on the south. Santa Ana, the county seat of Orange County, is right next to Westminster on the east but is divided by a small part of Garden Grove.
Westminster borders the unincorporated area of Midway City, except for a small portion where Midway City borders Huntington Beach on the south.
Westminster was founded in 1870 by Rev. Lemuel Webber as a Presbyterian temperance colony and was incorporated into Orange County, California in 1957.
Westminster won the All-America City Award in 1996.

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reviews (3)

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because this 's the good job and how to leans more about that

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It could be better but it's good for now.

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I wouldn't say it's very age friendly even though there is an abundance of elderly in the neighboring cities.

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