The Town of Watertown is a city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. It is part of the Greater Boston area.
The population was 31,915 at the 2010 census. Watertown is one of fourteen Massachusetts municipalities that have applied for, and been granted, city forms of government but wish to retain "The town of" in their official names. Watertown is made up of six neighborhoods: Bemis, Brigham (Brigham Historic District), Coolidge Square, East Watertown, Watertown Square and the West End.
reviews (18)
It's a very quiet and safe place to live.
Quiet and noise friendly
Community angagement
Watertown is located approx. 5 miles outside of Boston. There is excellent public tranportation, the Senior Center is very active with other local organizations (public library, arts, fire department, cable news, boys & girls club), there are weekly activities through either the library or senior center (walks, zoom classes, art, cards, etc). If you are disabled, the library will deliver books, Cds, Dvds, etc to your home once a week as well as the online services.
Local bus/van for shopping & doctors appts was a lifesaver for me when I was in a car accident. Local representatives meet with seniors to keep them updated and hear their concerns. This year 2021 has been especially difficult due to the pandemic but the city has tried to support seniors with discount meal once a month, day trips, and open conversations to see what else might be needed.
I'm sure there's probably more but that's all that come to mind at the moment.
Love to work with seniors as am a senior