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Van Nuys California
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3.96 out of 5 stars
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Van Nuys is a neighborhood in the central San Fernando Valley region of the city of Los Angeles in California. It is home to Van Nuys Airport, the Valley Municipal Building, and is the only neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley with a population exceeding 100,000 residents.

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reviews (21)

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Habitable and quiet safe

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Nice and friendly people every where

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Am a very hard working person, am a diploma hold from my home country in care and serving plus catering for young and adult people. for the transporting currently am not driving because of the fear in driving. Am also a happy and generous person.

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Soy egresada de la cruz roja peruana habló poco inglés más español tengo experiencia en cuidado de adultos mayores y niños y adolescentes,cocina amo éste tipo de trabajo

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Accessible to groceries,gasoline,bank and etc

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