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Tucson Arizona
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3.76 out of 5 stars
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Tucson is a city and the county seat of Pima County, Arizona, United States, and home to the University of Arizona. Tucson is the second-largest populated city in Arizona behind Phoenix, both of which anchor the Arizona Sun Corridor. PCOA serves the community through programs offered directly, and through collaborations with community partners.

  1. IN-HOME SUPPORT: Home Repair & Adaptation, Help at Home, Home-Delivered Meals, Emergency Alert Systems, Neighbors Care Alliance (NCA),

  2.  AGING WELL, Meals & Nutrition, Healthy Living Classes, Transportation, Housing, Be Med Smart, Aging Mastery, Falls Free, OASIS Healthy Habits for Adults

  3. Caregiving: Long-Term Care, Caregiver Support Groups, Caregiver Training, Time Away (Respite), Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, One-on-One Caregiver Consultation

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reviews (158)

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It's great

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.Convenient Central location in a safe neighborhood

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To begin with ,very warm,crime wave down ,compared to nationally,and I honestly do feel people are friendly ,for the most part.

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Tucson is a friendly smaller town and the people are also kind and friendly.

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Very quiet

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