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Trumbull Connecticut
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4.13 out of 5 stars
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Trumbull is a town located in Fairfield County, Connecticut. It borders on the cities of Bridgeport and Shelton and the towns of Stratford, Fairfield, Easton and Monroe. The population was 36,018 during the 2010 census. Trumbull was the home of the Golden Hill Paugussett Indian Nation for thousands of years before the English settlement was made in 1639. The town was named after Jonathan Trumbull (1710–1785), a merchant, patriot, and statesman when it was incorporated in 1797. Aviation pioneer Igor Sikorsky lived in Trumbull during his active years when he designed built and flew fixed-wing aircraft and put the helicopter into mass production for the first time.

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reviews (6)

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It’s livable, safe and quiet!

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Trumbull is a peaceful city with a lot of beautiful places to visit, eg malls, restaurants, aquarium, and beautiful beaches

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I live in Trumbull for 18 years is beautiful to raise children. Nice community safe good education nice neighborhood. Everything is great. I love here. I am happy.

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We are in the woods

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I feel this city is very age friendly because the neighborhood is safe, care, the education is great. The community is gated and everyone respects the community by no trespassing, no littering. For an example, families can trust other families to pick their kids up from the bus stop to bring them home if another couldn't make it on time. Very family like.

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