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Trenton Michigan
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Trenton is a small city in Wayne County in the southeast portion of the U.S. state of Michigan. At the 2010 census, the city population was 18,853. The city is part of Downriver, a collection of mostly blue-collar communities south of Detroit on the west bank of the Detroit River. Trenton is known for its waterfront and growing boating community.
Many residents are employed in the city's factories such as the Chrysler Trenton Engine Plant, Solutia, and the Trenton Channel Power Plant. Beaumont Hospital - Trenton is located within city limits and has 203 beds. The former McLouth Steel plant is also located in the city. There is rail service in the city. The city operates the 21,000-square-foot (2,000 m2) Trenton Veterans Memorial Library and a historical museum. Trenton has 15 churches of 10 denominations.
The Battle of Monguagon took place in Trenton on what is now the site of Elizabeth Park. Elizabeth Park is part of the Wayne County park system and was the first county park in Michigan, designated in 1919.

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Trenton is a small but friendly peaceful town. Everyone is so caring the other day I was bringing in my bags from work and a gentleman neighbor offered to help me bring them in. The community, the people in it they care about your pet's well-being. when someone is sick, I noticed that the resident here reach out to see what they can do to help.. Just little things that means so much to an individual or family members. there is a lot of love in this town..

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