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Stone Mountain Georgia
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3.82 out of 5 stars
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Stone Mountain is a city in DeKalb County, Georgia, United States. The population was 5,802 at the 2010 census. Stone Mountain is located in the eastern part of DeKalb County and is a suburb of Atlanta. It lies near to but does not include the geological formation Stone Mountain.

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reviews (51)

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Helps to grow the community

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Community engagement .Very kind & loving people. Very spacious areas to meet & greet. Excerise & fitness center.Break rooms to meet & greet. Transportation to & from doctors appt ., field trips to casinos, movies, shopping maĺls...Very friendly neighbors etc

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I live in a neighborhood that's clean. Neighbors watch out for each other and friendly. Quiet

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It's a very nice place to live

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Yes, I would recommend because a lot of people in my neighborhood need care.

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