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San Antonio Texas
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3.83 out of 5 stars
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San Antonio, officially the City of San Antonio, is the seventh most populous city in the United States and the second most populous city in both Texas and the Southern United States.

Every day in San Antonio, seniors, 60 years of age and older are participating in an exciting array of programs and services specifically designed for older adults. Our comprehensive senior centers and nutrition sites are located across the city and are open Monday to Friday throughout the year. Whether you are interested in joining us for a midday meal, some fun group exercise, a computer class or even meeting a friend or two, we welcome you!  The Department of Human Services, Senior Services Division helps San Antonio’s multi-generational senior community lead active, independent and engaged lives through comprehensive nutrition, wellness, education and more! 

Services include Senior Centers, Senior Nutrition and Meals, Senior Transportation, and more.

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reviews (761)

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This is a house that I bought in 2019
It's a great place to live. Neighbors are friendly. They will come and move my trash cans for me.

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Care, transportation

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It is reall comfortable

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As A Single Mom it’s a need to be employed to care for my family, to show them that working is the write way to live to be able to pay ur bills . Nothing is handed to u everyone must work . I myself work hard I get to work as I can if there public transport I’ll take it if not I will walk .

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Safe area

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