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Rochester Hills Michigan
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4.67 out of 5 stars
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Rochester Hills (formerly Avon Township) is a city in northeast Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan, in the northern outskirts of Metropolitan Detroit area. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 70,995. "Rochester" is often used to describe both the city of Rochester Hills and Rochester, as all of the zip codes are assigned a Rochester mailing addresses and share a school district, library, downtown, and the Chamber of Commerce.

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reviews (5)

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The senior age group like to feel still loved and needed, They still have a lot to give back to everyone in their daily life.

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Everything about.this neighborhood is age friendly. Ie. Quiet friendly people and scenery

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Wonderful place to live. Quiet neighborhood with friendly neighbors

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There is an Older Persons Commission (OPC) in the city of Rochester (which surrounds Rochester Hills) and this organization is built around providing transportation, food and activities for the elderly and retired. It is an awesome and energizing place to be and consists of a building which houses any kind and level of activity that could possibly be of interest. In addition, I currently volunteer with many women of my age group at Rochester Neighborhood House, in the role of Food Intake. Our organization provides food, clothing and many other services to the low--to-no income members of our community.

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I live in a 55 and over community. We have an awesome center called the Older Person Commission. It has exercise, pool, activities, lunch, ect.

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