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Peachtree City Georgia
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3.0 out of 5 stars
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Peachtree City is the largest city in Fayette County, Georgia, United States. As of the 2016 United States Census it had a population of 35,186. Peachtree City is located in South Metro Atlanta.

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reviews (5)

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Theres nothing to do for people in their mid to late twenties. but if your ready to settle down and start a family in a quiet community peachtree city is the place for you

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Peachtree City is a wonderful retirement community.

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Greet you and is Courteous on the highway.

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Great homes for seniors in all age brackets i.e. single family, condos, garden homes, assisted living, senior age home. Perfect weather and environment. Opportunities for senior activities as well as part time jobs. A community mixture of very young families, empty nesters and senior citizens.

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Great homes for seniors in all age brackets i.e. single family, condos, garden homes, assisted living, senior age home. Perfect weather and environment. Opportunities for senior activities as well as part time jobs. A community mixture of very young families, empty nesters and senior citizens.

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