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Payson Utah
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Payson is a city in Utah County, Utah, United States. It is part of the Provo–Orem Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 18,294 at the 2010 census. The current mayor is Rick Moore, who in the 2009 election was the first write-in candidate to defeat an incumbent mayor in the state of Utah.

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Graduating from high school did a lot of homecare and CNA work really love working with the elderly I drive. I have my own car. I work for a home health agency for 22 years. I did the homecare also worked in the office and your medical records. Did this for a long time really love my job With the same company also did some side work for other companies elderly people are very grateful and easy please and always like to make him feel happy clean, fed, and and love to talk to him. They have the greatest stories ever.

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Reason why because Im doing the same job at home for my parents and I have experience over 15 years plus taking care of my clients, patients and child with disibilities.

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They are like us and they need love and support.

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It's a very friendly community with majority of them being elderly. My only concern is there are a very few rude people.

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Because I've been doing nursing over 15+ and I have experience now. Second I also take care of my parents too.

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