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Oneonta New York
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3.92 out of 5 stars
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Oneonta ( OH-nee-ON-tə) is a city in southern Otsego County, New York, United States. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, it had a population of 13,901. Its nickname is "City of the Hills." While the word "oneonta" is of undetermined origin, it is popularly believed to mean "place of open rocks" in the Mohawk language. This refers to a prominent geological formation known as "Tablerocks" at the western end of the city.
The city is surrounded by the town of Oneonta, a separate municipal and political jurisdiction. Oneonta Municipal Airport (N66) is north of the city.

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reviews (1)

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There seems to be an aging population here. We have a very confident bus system and there are plenty of assisted living homes. On the down side in the winter there is snow which makes it difficult for the elderly to get around.

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