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Oakland Michigan
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4.33 out of 5 stars
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The Charter Township of Oakland is a charter township on the north Oakland County outskirts of Metro Detroit, in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is colloquially referred to as "Oakland Township". The population was 16,779 at the 2010 census.
Oakland Township is less densely populated than neighboring townships to the west, south, and east; and retains many elements of a rural, wooded residential bedroom community. Local ordinances and zoning laws are aimed at limiting commercial and industrial development while maintaining a cap on population density by way of a master plan.
Oakland Township's northern half has its own zip code, "Oakland, Michigan, 48363", while the southern portion of the township shares zip code 48306 with the northern portion of adjacent Rochester Hills. "Oakland" and "Goodison" are also acceptable last line addresses by the USPS for zip code 48306.

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Many activities are geared towards seniors.

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The people are very nice

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