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Mililani Hawaii
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4.75 out of 5 stars
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Mililani is a city located near the center of the island of Oʻahu in Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States. It consists of two census-designated places, Mililani Town, with a population of 27,629 at the 2010 census, and Mililani Mauka, with a 2010 census population of 21,039.

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I live in a suburb of Mililani Town, the demographic is very diverse. My community is located right next to a pre K - high school, my neighbors are elderly and families with young children. There is also a church, community center and park I nay neighborhood where kids play throughout the day and community members go for walks.

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This place is diverse. I have seen different nationalities of any age group. The people somewhat live their own lives, and seems to look and very friendly. Always greet each other and with warm smile. Peaceful mad quiet, hardly any crime happening. People are educated and retirees together.

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