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Mass City Michigan
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Mass City (also known as Mass) is an unincorporated community in Ontonagon County, Michigan, United States. Mass City is located in Greenland Township along M-26, 13.5 miles (21.7 km) southeast of Ontonagon. Mass City has a post office with ZIP code 49948.
Mass City was first settled in 1848 by Noel Johnson, an escaped slave from Missouri who discovered copper in the area; Johnson later sold the copper deposits to the Mass Mining Company. Mass City was formally organized in 1855 and named for the mass copper mined in the area. The original site of Mass City was abandoned in 1899, when Abram and Nellie Mathews platted the current site. A post office opened in Mass City on June 15, 1899; Christ P. Anderson was the first postmaster. Mass City was at one point the largest city in Michigan encompassing all land from, Rousseau to Greenland. Also from Lake Mine to the Flintsteel river.

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