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Madison Mississippi
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4.06 out of 5 stars
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Madison is a city in Madison County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 24,841 at the 2010 census. The population is currently over 25,000. It is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area.

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reviews (7)

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This community is age friendly since it's thriving well. Here, the crime rate is low, beautiful homes in great neighborhoods, middle class citizens and elderly make up the majority.

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The neighborhood is nice, quiet, family-oriented, clean, and in a great school district. Overall the town of Madison, MS has a low crime rate and is quite safe and the community is "tight-knit" and super friendly!

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This community is very age friendly, there are no discriminations

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all of the above

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Madison, MS is age friendly because the city caters to a "family-oriented" community setting. Family is first. The city continues to grow and thrive for the purpose of attracting "age friendly" citizens.

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