Littleton (historically Nipmuc: Nashoba) is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 8,924 at the 2010 census. The Council on Aging Acts in an advisory capacity; focuses on identifying the needs of the senior population; educates the community on the issues, advocates on their behalf and recruits active members of the COA. The COA does not direct the director, or appoint the director or staff. Services Include:
- Outreach: Littleton Elder and Human Services has social workers who provide needs assessments to determine appropriate services, including but not limited to: fuel assistance, housing, veterinary assistance, SNAP application assistance, information and referrals.
- Tax Relief for Elders and the Disabled (T.R.E.A.D.)
Council on Aging WebsiteContacts
33 Shattuck Street
2nd Floor, Room 231
Littleton, MA 01460
reviews (6)
We have a great community. We have an active senior center and brand new library. There is an involved historical society and many programs through all of these for seniors and families.
Littleton has transportation for older people who do not or cannot drive. Public places have handicap entrances, as they need to. Littleton has respectful helpful people who are often willing to help someone if they see they are in need. My only concern for our elders is that we do not have a great community center for them. We do have meals and parties, but for anything else, they need to travel to other town elder community centers.
over 55 homes built in the area asking seniors if they need help with any household chores there is nothing non friendly here in regards to respect to seniors
over 55 homes built in the area asking seniors if they need help with any household chores there is nothing non friendly here in regards to respect to seniors
Littleton Ma is Age Friendly in all the ways mentioned in the question (working, education, transportation and community activities. It has a state of the art new library which is very accommodating; there is Senior Housing, Elder Services; it has resources available that assist with services many needs seniors may need into the future, including help easy food shopping, a CVS pharmacy, access to Meals on Wheels, tax preparation, estate planning ( this via town lawyers experienced in Elder Law). It is very close to I-495, etc.