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Lenoir is a city in Caldwell County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 18,228 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Caldwell County. Lenoir is located in the foothils of the Blue Ridge. To the northeast are the Brushy Mountains, a spur of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hibriten Mountain, located just east of the city limits, marks the western end of the Brushy Mountains range.
Lenoir is one of the principal cities in the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area.

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reviews (9)

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The people are caring and compassionate. Everyone tries to help each other and be neighborly.There is assistance through Greenway to assist the elderly to their doctor's appointments. There really isn't a whole lot to get out and do in Lenoir so that is the downside and there is no public transportation like there is in surrounding counties.

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It is a very laid-back atmosphere. It was plenty of parks and things to do for the older generations.

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Friendly neighborhood

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Convenient shopping entertainment fir families great restaurants low crime rate

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In city lots of sirens and etc.

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