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Lauderhill Florida
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4.14 out of 5 stars
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Lauderhill, officially the City of Lauderhill, is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population was 66,887. It is a principal city of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated 6,012,331 people in 2015.

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reviews (39)

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The neighborhood is generally a mixed multi-ethnic community. I'd say there is an equal amount of elderly as there are younger people.I'd just wish there were better hospitals and elder care homes.

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It's in close proximity to a lot of this such has banks,schools,shopping areas and others.

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Great one

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Community that developed give the surrounding a more better state of mind. with all the necessities to make ones live comfortable is more productive and organize.

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Others around isnt clean

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