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Lansdowne Pennsylvania
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4.23 out of 5 stars
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Lansdowne is a borough in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, United States located 6 miles (10 km) southwest of the center of Philadelphia. It was named for the Marquess of Lansdowne. As of the 2010 census the borough had a population of 10,620.
Lansdowne grew quickly in the early part of the twentieth century when a railroad stop was established near the intersection of Lansdowne Avenue and Baltimore Pike. The borough is primarily residential with a commercial center near the original railroad stop. The borough also contained some light industrial buildings which have been in decline in recent decades.
The borough is sometimes erroneously spelled "Landsdowne" or confused with Lansdale, in nearby Montgomery County.

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reviews (17)

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I would recommend my community, because it’s very quiet and transportation is easily accessible, community center and shopping and schools.

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It's quiet.

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It's very quiet, barely anything happenes in my neighborhood, the kids on the block are real nice and the neighbors barely make noise so overall it's very quiet and drama free

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Transportation, also the community is very quiet and friendly

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I like helping others and making other peoples lives easier and more comfortable. I have taken care of my grandfather when he was sick and it opened a gate for me to want to help others.

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