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Joliet Illinois
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4.01 out of 5 stars
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Joliet ( or ) is a city in Kendall and Will counties in the U.S. state of Illinois, 30 miles (48 km) southwest of Chicago. It is the county seat of Will County and part of southwest Chicagoland. At the 2010 census, the city was the fourth largest in Illinois, with a population of 147,433. A special census in 2016 put Joliet's population at 149,395, making it the 3rd largest city in Illinois.

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reviews (14)

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It’s a nice area and quiet

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I like it cause it's the more open and firemen easy to get to the stores.

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I love taking care of elderly people I use to take care of my ex father in law before he passed away,

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Well, it's really not bad around here. You don't hear about too many shootings, the community tries to help each other. Your neighbors are friendly, although there is some violence you don't really hear it all the time there is people who have compassion out here and who are truly sincere caring about their neighbors? And people call the police if there's problems and when things happen like car accidents people are out there and they're concerned.

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It's peaceful and a quiet place to live.

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