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Hendersonville North Carolina
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Hendersonville is a city in Henderson County, North Carolina, United States. It is 22 miles (35 km) south of Asheville and is the county seat of Henderson County. Like the county, the city is named for 19th-century North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Leonard Henderson.
The population was 13,137 at the 2010 census and was estimated in 2016 to be 13,840.

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reviews (11)

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This is absolutely a retirement community.If you don't cater to the elderly you can leave.Yep this is where MANY come to retire

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Small community
Senior citizens

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Lots of senior citizens

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I have taken care of several in home patients. For 10 years . I have several referrals. I currently work Asheville mom tues wed. I am in .need of a pm overnight job wed thur fri. Ty

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Living close to downtown is ideal for walking to the library, shops on Main Street, and numerous events (such as Music on Main and the famous Apple Festival). There are also several 'outlying' areas, such as Edneyville, mostly Apple Country and open spaces; Laural Park, upscale gated communities, and Fletcher, halfway to Asheville, the largest town in Western NC. There is a bus service & delivery services (groceries, etc.). There is a small-town feel with technology up to date. And of course, the gorgeous natural scenery the Blue Ridge Mountains, and numerous waterfalls. There are several urgent care facilities, two main hospitals and the largest and most advanced hospital in Asheville (approx. 30 mins away). We are 3 hours from Atlanta; 2 hours to Charlotte; 2 hours to Gatlinburg. The temperature rarely exceeds 90 in the Summers; winters can be cold, but huge amounts of snow are rare.

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