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Hastings Nebraska
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3.64 out of 5 stars
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Hastings is a city and county seat of Adams County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 24,907 at the 2010 census. It is known as the town where Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins in 1927, and celebrates that event with the Kool-Aid Days festival every August. Hastings is also known for Fisher Fountain, and during World War II operated the largest Naval Ammunition Depot in the United States.

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reviews (5)

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Caregiver at heart with schooling background college credits for example with working with people have reliable transportation well respected by the people

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College town with parks, waterpark, and community events. Home of Kool Aide

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We work with each other, have fun being nice to another respect

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General Livability, and education

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Very well respected to the elderly and the are very respected.

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