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Hanford California
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3.54 out of 5 stars
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Hanford is an important commercial and cultural center in the south central San Joaquin Valley and is the county seat of Kings County, California. It is the principal city of the Hanford-Corcoran metropolitan area (MSA Code 25260), which encompasses all of Kings County, including the cities of Hanford and Corcoran. The ZIP Code is 93230 (93232 for post office boxes). The city of Hanford is surrounded by communities that do not fall within the city limits but use the same zip code. These communities include Grangeville, Hardwick and Home Garden.
The population was 53,967 at the 2010 census. The California Department of Finance estimated that the city's population was 55,645 as of January 1, 2017.

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Quite, clean, respectful and caring neighbors and family friendly.

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