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Guilford Connecticut
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3.87 out of 5 stars
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Guilford is an affluent coastal town in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, that borders Madison, Branford, North Branford and Durham, and is situated on I-95 and the Connecticut seacoast. The population was 22,375 at the 2010 census. In 2015 the population stands at approximately 22,413 people. It was named one of the top 100 places to live in the United States by Money magazine in 2005.

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reviews (5)

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Wonderful open space. Central location, much opportunity.

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Guilford is a safe peaceful town with a great community center for seniors and plenty of senior housing.

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Safe work place
Customer is always first

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An excellent place to live for all aspects except local and state taxes, which are quite high.

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An excellent place to live for all aspects except local and state taxes, which are quite high.

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