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Garner, NC by Melizabethi123 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
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4.11 out of 5 stars
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Garner is a town in Wake County, North Carolina, United States and a suburb of Raleigh. The population was estimated to be 27,814 as of July 1, 2014. The US Office of Management and Budget includes Garner as a part of the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Combined Statistical Area, which had a population of 1,998,808 as of U.S. Census 2012 Population Estimates.

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reviews (23)

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Senior Citizen Friendly

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The community is family oriented with culturally diverse. It is a calm and serene neighborhood to take walks, ride bikes, or indulge in many outside exercise activities. There is also a community playground that has benches to relax and enjoy the nature views. The location is less than a 10 minute drive from the lake, local grocery stores, fast food chains, post office, and banks.

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I have never worked with your community so I cannot say.

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community engagement,friendly people,

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I love helping people

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