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Frankenmuth Michigan
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4.08 out of 5 stars
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Frankenmuth is a city in Saginaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 4,944 at the 2010 census. The city is located within Frankenmuth Township survey area. Bronner's Christmas Wonderland, which bills itself as "the World's Largest Christmas Store", is located in Frankenmuth.
The city's name is a combination of two words. "Franken" represents the Province of Franconia in the Kingdom of Bavaria, home of the Franks, where the original settlers were from. The German word "Mut" means courage; thus, the name Frankenmuth means "courage of the Franconians." The most popular nickname is "Little Bavaria", but the city is also nicknamed "Muth".

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Frankenmuth Michigan is friendly for all ages. The community is of high prestige, and there are many examples such as museums, water parks, carriage rides, friendly walk ways, as well as a safe family vacation destination.

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