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Forest Hills New York
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Forest Hills is a mostly residential neighborhood in the borough of Queens in New York City. Originally, the area was referred to as "Whitepot". The north, east, and south boundaries are the Long Island Expressway, Grand Central Parkway, and Union Turnpike, respectively. Google Maps shows the western boundary running roughly along 102nd Street, 67th Avenue, and the Long Island Rail Road's former Rockaway Beach Branch; while the Encyclopedia of New York City defines the western boundary as Junction Boulevard and the former Rockaway Beach Branch.
Forest Hills has a great tradition of tennis, with Forest Hills Stadium having hosted the U.S. Open until 1978 and the West Side Tennis Club offering pristine grass courts for its members. Bustling Austin Street bisects Forest Hills and boasts lots of restaurants and chain stores. Forest Hills is bordered by Flushing Meadows–Corona Park and Forest Park.

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This community is people friendly and is a good environment to live in.

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I am well experienced on this kind of job - Caregiving/ Companion

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Community is base of society and living in a place where people can have accessibility to schools for their childrens, parks, hospitals shopping areas and transportation is more important in ours days than years ago.
For example Forest Hills and Rego Park have many facilities, like near by Clinics, Dr.'s office and hospitals just in walking distance. Also we live in a neighborhood whrethere is help provided for those in need for example groceries and food delivery to the sick elderly. Furthermore many of the buildings have access to little parks for the children and for those whom cannot go long distance walk,
Or thre"re many residents whom enjoy taking a walk to the library or just getting their groceries is convenient because there are daily's and supermarkets from different cultures; people can always find someone whom speak there language that they can talk too. Furthermore there's access to public transportation like train, bus or a taxi at any time of the day.
That's my opinion about my community.

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Elderly has tons of aid programs , transportation, and friendly people that help aid elderly .

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In 2017,Gov. Cuomo launch of the nation's first statewide aging services mobile app to connect older adults and caregivers with local resources and services, including information regarding health, housing and transportation options

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