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Ewa Beach Hawaii
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4.63 out of 5 stars
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ʻEwa Beach () or simply ʻEwa is a census-designated place (CDP) located in ʻEwa District and the City & County of Honolulu along the leeward coast of Oʻahu in Hawaii. As of the 2010 Census, the CDP had a total population of 14,955. The U.S. postal code for ʻEwa Beach is 96706.

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reviews (3)

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Ewa Acres in Ewa Beaçh is one of the older phases of homes that was built in the late 60s and completed in the early 70s. I was in 6 yrs old when we moved in to our new home. We got to live near the most friendliest families that became our lifetime friends. In Ewa Beach there is a lot of extended family households and that's what makes our community special.

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Hi my name is Lusia Prescott, I'm a caregiver almost 15 years, I really feel this my call helping others especially the old parents, grandparents and others, I love this kind of job and I'm available in any time

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There's a lot of education in Ewa beach that kids are able to go to. The community here is all family and we always become one. We respect everybody that respects us.

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