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Elkins Park Pennsylvania
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4.28 out of 5 stars
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Elkins Park is an unincorporated community in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States. It is split between Cheltenham and Abington Townships in the suburbs of Philadelphia, which it borders along Cheltenham Avenue roughly 6 miles (9.7 km) from downtown. An affluent community, it is the home of Lynnewood Hall, a 110-room, derelict Gilded Age mansion.

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reviews (7)

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Everybody is nice , clean , and the community is very quiet

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Hi, im looking for a company that not only provides 100% for their clients but also their Care professionals as well. I love being a care giver my elderly hold a special place in my heart i give the best care possible, while understanding the challenges that they face.. I have over 5+ years in service and hope to continue with the right place of employment

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The neighborhood is very quiet and friendly. Everyone is always looking out for eachothers wellbeing and safety.

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I would say my neighborhood is very quiet and friendly.

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When we first moved in 2020. Our neighbors bought us house welcoming gifts. Told us about places to go for food and people they use for house maintenance like grass cutting. They welcomed us with open arms.

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