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East Longmeadow Massachusetts
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The East Longmeadow Council on Aging, located at Pleasant View Senior Center is a very active and welcoming community which “supports and promotes the independence and social, physical, and emotional well-being of East Longmeadow elders by implementing and maintaining quality education, nutrition, recreational, and wellness programs”.

Here at Pleasant View, we offer a wide variety of educational events, activities and entertainment. Special events may include financial presentations, book studies or live music. At the core of our foundation, we believe that learning is a lifelong joy that should continue to be experienced throughout our lives and we offer a variety of classes and workshops (current examples include computer class, French class and art class) to support this. We also strongly believe in the importance of health and wellness and staying fit and active. Our building has a fitness center available to members with treadmills, stationary bikes, and weight equipment in addition to offering many exercise classes and other health and wellness resources.

According to the National Association of Senior Centers, “Senior Centers are an entry point to an array of services that will assist them as they ‘age in place.’ Senior Centers offer a wide range of health, education, recreation, volunteer, and other social interaction opportunities for their participants that enhance dignity, support independence, and encourage community involvement. Centers are also a resource for the entire community, providing services and information on aging, and assisting family and friends who care for older persons. Senior Centers can optimally provide a social environment conducive to the development of a social support system reducing loneliness and depression.” Pleasant View has aligned its mission to that of the national organization. A recent completion of a five-year renovation project has transformed a former school building into a beautiful and comforting home away from home. In continued efforts to align ourselves and our town with this mission, we are activitly working towards becoming a "Dementia Friendly" community. We hope you can visit our wonderful town and stop by, Pleasant View "The Center of it All".

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East longmedow is a small town in which everyone knows each other. It is special because we all seem to act as family to one another, always helping each other out and working as a community to keep our town looking clean and beautiful.

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