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Douglasville Georgia
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3.36 out of 5 stars
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The city of Douglasville is the county seat of Douglas County, Georgia, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 30,961, up from 20,065 in 2000.
Douglasville is located approximately 20 miles (32 km) west of Atlanta and is part of the Atlanta Metro Area. Highway access can be obtained via three interchanges along Interstate 20.

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reviews (43)

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I have lived here for several years and there have never been any accidents of any kind here

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Yes! Taking care of each other in this age is the best thing ever. We know ourselves ie our strength and weaknesses. We turn them to positivity , our strength!

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Yes! Taking care of each other in this age is the best thing ever. We know ourselves ie our strength and weaknesses. We turn them to positivity , our strength!

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Age friendly

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There's a wide variety of folks here from families to retirement ages. It's close to our church, as well as being pretty much in the center of the shopping mall, restaurants, etc., but best of all, it's a quiet neighborhood!

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