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Daly City California
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4.38 out of 5 stars
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Daly City () is the largest city in San Mateo County, California, United States, with an estimated 2014 population of 106,094. Located immediately south of San Francisco, it is named in honor of businessman and landowner John Donald Daly.

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reviews (5)

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I live in a private park is call Franciscan Park in Daly City close to school,stores ,Bart station clean nice people in the community pet friendly age friendly familys with young kids .

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Transportation, community engagement, senior housing, jobs are within walking distance to public transportation.

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Public transportation, Healthcare facilities, community activities for older residents, universities, and vocational schools, are within bus services

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Daly City has many convalescent homes and older residence in the area.

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Most people are always friendly, because mostly people here are Educated.

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