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Brookline Massachusetts
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Brookline is a town in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, in the United States, and is a part of Greater Boston. Brookline borders six of Boston's neighborhoods: Brighton, Allston, Fenway–Kenmore, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, and West Roxbury. The city of Newton lies to the west of Brookline. The Brookline Council on Aging is a town agency responsible for planning, coordinating and providing comprehensive services for Brookline residents age 60 and over. We work with other town agencies and community service providers to enhance the quality of life for our elders.

  1. Assistance Programs: Social workers and volunteers provide help with accessing Fuel Assistance, SNAP, AARP Tax Preparation and Information and Referral. They also provide legal assistance (BLAB), assistance with identifying Medicare supplement options (SHINE), Job Search Support with individual appointments and workshops (REAP), Home and Escort Linkage Program (HELP), Equipment Loan Program (ELF), Real Estate Tax Workoff Program (TAP), Discount Taxi Coupon Program (BETS), the Elder Resource Guide, and the Caregivers’ Respite Program.

  2. Exercise and Fitness: Our on-site fully equipped, supervised Fitness Center provides – Mat & Chair Yoga, Fexibility, Resistance Training & Balance and Aging Backwards as well as individual sessions. In addition, Tuesday Dance Party, Zumba Gold, Tai Chi, Solemates Walking Club, Ping Pong, Strength Training for Seniors, Senior Stretch, Exercise for Health & Rejuvenation and Arthritis Exercise provide exercise/fitness options for every taste and ability.

  3. Support: Various Support Groups provided by social workers and volunteers throughout the year include: Bereavement Support, Job Search Support, Depression Support, Grandparent Alienation Support, Retired Men’s Club, Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support, and the Low Vision Support groups.

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to your older friends and family?

reviews (25)

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Yes because the town has a lot of resources for the elderly and there are many programs that contribute to the elderly

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There are a great number of elderly people living in Brookline, MA, Brookline has good
Transportation service, great Comerce .

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Brooklyn is a very walkable community. It is family-friendly, elderly friendly and disability friendly.

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Not sure how to answer this, but going to talk about my experience when I worked with Special Needs children with learning challenges when I was in College. When I worked there I had to look at life thru the prospect of a child who might not process things or have disabilities which could be speech, sight, social skills or learning disabilities, gross motor skill issues. Tasks had to be broken down, presentation of tasks had to be given in smaller chunks, Children who depended on patterns you figured out how to bring in new items while not upsetting them to much . Realizing change doesn't always happen and overnight really doesn't happen. Find subjects you can relate to child nto what you can't.

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I am a board certified Physician Assistant and do Primary Care/Urgent Care in patient's homes.
I would like to barter partial care for housing in Brookline MA for an independent senior who needs additional support.

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