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Brookhaven Georgia
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4.8 out of 5 stars
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Brookhaven is a city in the northeastern suburbs of Atlanta and is located in western DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, directly northeast of Atlanta. On July 31, 2012, Brookhaven was approved in a referendum to become DeKalb County's 11th city. Incorporation officially took place on December 17, 2012, on which date municipal operations commenced. With a population of around 54,169, it is the largest city in DeKalb County. The new city stretches over 12 square miles (31 km2).

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reviews (5)

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For the past five years, I've dedicated myself to part-time caregiving for a 94-year-old gentleman. My responsibilities included companionship, accompanying him to church, lunch outings, errands, and ensuring he attended medical appointments. With a background as a graduate from Sanford Brown Institute as a medical assistant and prior experience assisting my own mother, I've developed a deep understanding of the needs of the elderly. Bringing joy to their lives by fulfilling their daily needs is incredibly fulfilling to me.

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Brookhaven is a growing city, with many things to offer and to come. You have the beautiful parks to take walks or walk your pets. There's so many restaurants all around to choose from.

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Security, care, recreational activities and common interests.

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Its a busy town, but I see a lot of care and hospitality here for all ages.

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It's an environment for any age group. Very good school district. Lots of activities and parks in the area as well as public transportation.

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