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Bristol Pennsylvania
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Bristol is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 23 miles (37 km) northeast of Center City Philadelphia, opposite Burlington, New Jersey on the Delaware River. Bristol was first incorporated in 1720. After 1834, the town became very important to the development of the American Industrial Revolution as the terminus city of the Delaware Canal providing greater Philadelphia with the days High Tech Anthracite fuels from the Lehigh Canal via Easton. The canal and a short trip on the Delaware also gave the town access to the mineral resources available in Connecticut, New Jersey and New York via each of the Morris Canal, the Delaware and Hudson Canal, and the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and connected the community to those markets and trade from New York City. These were among the factors spurring development of Bristol and nearby towns, explaining in part the industries which developed in the region.
Although its charter was revised in 1905, the original charter remains in effect, making Bristol one of the older boroughs in Pennsylvania. Bristol had 7,104 residents in 1900; 9,256 in 1910; 10,273 in 1920; and 11,895 in 1940. The most recent census has the population at 9,726 2010 census. The current Mayor is Patrick Sabatini Sr. Bristol is served by SEPTA's Trenton Line.

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reviews (6)

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Quite environment. Less violence & crimes.

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The community I live in I believe is not safe for older people or people with disabilities

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Education and life is better in quality and peace.

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I'm happy to see we have another senior center . It's important for seniors to have a place to go

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