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Bridgeport West Virginia
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4.42 out of 5 stars
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Bridgeport is a city in Harrison County, West Virginia, USA. The population was 8,149 at the 2010 census.
The town of Bridgeport had its beginning in pre-American Revolutionary War times. In 1764, John Simpson entered the area and gave his name to Simpson Creek. Bridgeport was chartered in 1816. When the town was incorporated in 1887, it established the office of mayor and town council. The city currently employs a City Manager. Bridgeport is home to Meadowbrook Mall, a 100-store regional shopping complex serving North-Central West Virginia.

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It's a great place to be at. It's nice and clean really nice people

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Bridgeport is a friendly city that is easily accessible to schools, shopping, and is close to major hospitals with full specialty services.

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