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Belgrade Montana
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Belgrade is a town in Gallatin County, Montana, United States. The population was 7,389 at the 2010 census. It is the largest city in Montana that is not a county seat.
Belgrade and surrounding areas are experiencing significant population growth. The 59714 zip code that includes the town and surrounding commercial and residential developments had an estimated population of 19,370 as of 2015.
The original townsite of Belgrade was established and filed in the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office by Thomas B. Quaw, a businessman from the midwest, in July 1881. According to Quaw, the townsite was an unmanned railroad siding 9.7 miles west of Bozeman, and was named Belgrade after the capital of Serbia as an expression of appreciation to the Serbian investors who helped finance a portion of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Quaw and William O. Tracy created the Belgrade Grain and Produce Company and marketed Belgrade as the "Princess of the Prairies." Belgrade is part of the Bozeman, MT Micropolitan Statistical Area.
The post office was established in 1887 with Quaw as postmaster. Belgrade was incorporated in 1906.
Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport is located adjacent to the city boundaries.

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