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Bel Air Maryland
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4.17 out of 5 stars
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The town of Bel Air is the county seat of Harford County, Maryland. According to the 2010 United States Census the population of the town was 10,120.

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reviews (12)

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The school system is great for all age students . Caring educators and work ethnic.

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I would recommend this area because it is very friendly for seniors. It's a lot of opportunity for families plenty of entertainment. The school system is fairly good. The roads are well maintained. I see where my text dial is go..

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I believe there are 55 and older communities nearby. There are transportation buses that cater to the elderly traveler and there are also community centers for engagement. Most people I know live where they choose not so much for these types of benefits but to be closer to family, friends and the geographic benefits of the area they've chosen.

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This area is very mixed in age.

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Bel Air offers a wide-variety of community service events from rec actiivities to senior living activities. Harford Community College is nearby which provides educational and recreational opportunities to include job training. The school system is ranked highly among the best in Maryland. As a historic town, Bel Air's Main Street provides some fun shopping and dining experiences as well as in town. It is a very sought-after community.

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