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Barre Vermont
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3.9 out of 5 stars
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Barre, Vermont can refer to:
Barre (city), Vermont
Barre (town), Vermont

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as I approach my senior years I have become aware of the need for more community involvement with our aging population. As we become increasingly connected thru social media I believe our vulnerable population is becoming more isolated. I would like to see more effort to connect the elderly with children who may need a substitute grandparent or a mentor. I believe our elderly deserve the best we can offer them, without them none of us would be here.

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I am fortunate to have decent health and good friends but struggle financially due to high rents in our area, a common problem across the country! I have been on a waiting list for affordable housing for almost 5 years and just recently made it to the top of the list. I worry that there are many lonely elderly people out there who need help and companionship and are struggling daily to pay rent. I would like to see more community involvement and more programs that would connect the elderly with our youth such as mentoring in schools or as fill in grandmas and grandpas!!

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There is not enough help for seniors or elderly persons to live in their own homes

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