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Asheville North Carolina
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3.74 out of 5 stars
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Asheville is a city and the county seat of Buncombe County, North Carolina, United States. It is the largest city in Western North Carolina, and the 12th-most populous city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. The city's population was 89,121 according to the 2016 estimates. It is the principal city in the four-county Asheville metropolitan area, with a population of 424,858 in 2010. Asheville is home to the National Centers For Environmental Information (NCEI), the world's largest active archive of environmental data.

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reviews (14)

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Very friendly community

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The community is age friendly and caters to older people

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All types of people of different ages. Most people are kind.

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Excellent Health Care. Several Active Senior Centers, YMCA's, Gyms, Health Clubs, active sports venues (swimming, tennis, boating, bicycling, hiking, walking). A wide range of Artists and Arts venues: museums. pottery-painting- woodworking-sculpture-music-dance studios and performers. Safe downtown.
Generous support for homeless shelters, food pantries. Acceptance of different lifestyles. Many good restaurants.

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Lack of public transportation. Not a walkable city.

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