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Abington Pennsylvania
Overall Rating
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4.2 out of 5 stars
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Abington Township may refer to several places in the United States:
Abington Township, Mercer County, Illinois
Abington Township, Wayne County, Indiana
Abington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, former name for Waverly Township
Abington Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

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reviews (8)

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Very diverse community. People help one another. Police and fire departments are involved in the community.

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Abington community is very diverse and inclusive.Race, gender, old and young enjoy each other's company despite generational differences. Abington is a community that helps each other when they see someone in need.

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Very nice people that care

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What makes it age freindly is my neighbors are nice and i love 2 see them smile just saying goodmorning how are u goes along way seniors deserve the best care and should enjoy there retirement as best as they should by guiding them through new challemges amd obsticles amd new talemts they. Never new that they had

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Good neighborhood

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