In-Home Care
Age Friendly In-Home Care Providers
In-home care is defined as care that an external party (usually a person or an agency employing a person) is delivering to the care recipient in the recipient’s residence. In short, someone coming to the recipient’s home, helping for a set period of time, then leaving. In-home care providers come in all shapes and sizes—from mom-and-pop local organizations to large, nationwide companies with franchises in your neighborhood.
In-home care typically takes shape when the client or the person seeking care identifies the need for care, contacts the company to provide the care, specifies the type of care that the recipient might need (or works with the company to identify what type of care the client needs), schedules a caregiver, and begins receiving care.
If you’re unsure if you or a loved one may need in-home care, take our in-depth assessment help find out.