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Rockdale Texas
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2.92 out of 5 stars
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Rockdale is a city in Milam County, Texas, United States. The population was 5,851 at the 2010 census. It is approximately 41 miles west of College Station.

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reviews (4)

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Unfortunately this city is not what it used to be. Today it's overrun by drug dealers and addicts and the city is becoming more and more unstable and unsafe for young families and teens. Local police department does minimum to nothing to fix the situation. Despite all the hard working law obiding citizens that still live here and depend on them to protect us.

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Lots of elderly people live here, they need help.

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People are so well matter, polite, and very helpful.

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Friendly would be older generation because its a retirement community.Unfriendly for younger kids and teenagers because there is no type of entertainment for their ages.

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