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Presque Isle Maine
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3.75 out of 5 stars
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Presque Isle is the commercial center and largest city in Aroostook County, Maine, United States. The population was 9,171 in 2015 as estimated by the US Census, a decrease from the count of 9,692 in the 2010 Census. The city is home to the University of Maine at Presque Isle, Northern Maine Community College, Husson University Presque Isle, Northern Maine Fairgrounds, The Aroostook Centre Mall, and the Northern Maine Regional Airport. Presque Isle is the headquarters of the Aroostook Band of Micmac, a federally recognized tribe.

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I believe it's not really age friendly because when it comes to living, most young adults have a hard time finding an affordable place to live. Low income normally takes families first. And the community has nothing anymore either. They have a splash pad for kids. Some young adults look forward to going to dispensaries but that's about it.

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